A Charger Converter combines the functions of two devices into one:
- the converter function (voltage converter or inverter) transforms the direct current (12V, 24V or 48V produced by a photovoltaic panel) into alternating current 220V or 230V;
- The charger function allows to recharge one (or more) batteries from the EDF network or another 220V power source (eg generator).
Some accept only one AC source and others accept at least 2 between which they can switch according to their programming. These devices are the ideal tool in a generator backup system.
Battery converter / charger incorporating a high-speed power transfer system
Allows alternating / coupling current of batteries and current of the sector automatically and instantly
Rated power: 500 VA (430 watts)
Transfer switch: 16A
DC input voltage: 12/24/48 Volts
The Multi charger converter is very easy to use: it is preset at the factory and the basic settings can be made by switches on the device
Warranty: 5 years
Manufacturer: VICTRON (Netherlands)
Reference: CMP125010000
We recommend the use of Multi charger chargers for mobile solar installations on boats, in motorhomes or in small houses or holiday homes to mix solar energy and conventional energy (EDF network or generator)
The Multi VICTRON charger converters offer exceptional performance: exceptional efficiency (93% to 94% of the converted power), very high peak power (to cope with an occasional demand for energy, when certain electrical devices start) and signal electric very pure and perfectly constant.
The battery charger of the Multi offers the ultimate, the charge it provides to the battery is called "adaptive" (Victron Energy technology): this ensures that each charge cycle corresponds exactly to the needs of the battery.
The Multi converters / chargers are particularly robust: they support more than twice their nominal power over short periods of time to cope with sudden currents (eg starting an engine).
For advice on sizing or information, please contact infos@gbsolar-es.cd
• Multi-functional
The name of Multi comes from the many functions it can offer. It is a powerful sine wave converter, a sophisticated battery charger that features adaptive charging technology and a high-speed AC power transfer switch in one compact package.
Apart from these primary functions, however, the Multi has several advanced features that offer a range of new applications as shown below.
• Uninterrupted AC power
In the event of a mains power failure, or if shore power or generator power has been disconnected, the Multi's inverter is activated automatically and it takes over from the connected loads.
This is so fast (less than 20 milliseconds)
computers and other electronic equipment will continue to operate without interruption.
• PowerControl - Lateral wharf or limited generator power processing capability
A maximum shore or generator current can be installed with a Multi Control Panel. The Multi will then take into account other AC loads and it will use all that is extra for charging, preventing the generator or shore power from being overloaded.
• Programmable relay
The Multi is equipped with a programmable relay, which is configured by default as an alarm relay. This relay can be programmed for all types of applications, for example as a starter relay for a generator.
Battery charger:
• Adaptive load characteristics in 4 steps: bulk - absorption - float - standby
The adaptive microprocessor controlled battery management system can be set for various types of batteries. The "adaptive" function automatically adapts the charging process to the use of the battery.
• The right dose of load: variable absorption time
In the case of a light battery discharge, the absorption is kept reduced in order to prevent overcharging and excessive gas formation. After a large unload, the absorption time is automatically raised to fully charge the
• Prevention of gassing damage: BatterySafe mode
If, in order to quickly recharge a battery, a high load power is associated with a high absorption voltage, the deterioration due to excessive gassing will be avoided by automatically limiting the progression of the voltage, as soon as the gassing voltage has been reached. .
• Less maintenance and aging if the battery is not used: standby mode
Standby mode is triggered when the battery has not been used for 24 hours. In standby mode, the float voltage is reduced to 2.2V / cell (13.2V for a 12V battery) to minimize gassing and corrosion of positive plates. Once a week, the
Voltage is raised at the absorption level to "equalize" the battery. This process prevents stratification of the electrolyte and sulfation, major causes of premature aging of batteries.
• Two DC outputs for charging two batteries
The main terminal CC can provide the entire output current. The second output, intended for charging a starter battery, is limited to 1A and its output voltage is slightly lower.
• Increased battery life:
temperature compensation
The temperature sensor, which is supplied with the product, serves to reduce the charging voltage as the battery temperature increases. This is especially important for maintenance-free batteries that may dry out due to overload.
• More about batteries and their charge
The book "Energy without limits" gives more information on the batteries and their charge. It is available free of charge on the Victron website (see www.victronenergy.com> Support and Downloads> General technical information).
For more information on
adaptive load characteristics, please refer to the "General technical information" section on the Victron website.
please contactinfos@gbsolar-es.cd
Choosing the right battery for an optimal installation In order to better choose the battery needed for your installation, consult our fact sheets. Solar battery for energy storage and solar battery: capacity and lifetime, which will give you valuable indications as to the type of battery. battery to choose or the capacity of your installation.
Connect your batteries safely
Before connecting your batteries, please consult our sheets Advice for use and safety instructions.